The Syllable Game

I just did a great game with Avery. Here’s how you play:

Materials: 4 poker chips or similar (1 a different color), dictionary, calculator

Setup: Put “100+10″ on the calculator, and then press “=”. From now on, every time the student presses the “=” sign, they will get 10 points.


  • T: “I want you to open this dictionary to any page. I am going to find the HARDEST word on that page.” Student does so. Scan page for a 3-syllable word and say it.
  • T: “telegraph. How many syllables?”
  • S: “three”.
  • Drop three poker chips including the different-color one on the table. Line them up as they fell. Let’s say the different-colored chip is at the end.
  • T: (point to the different-colored chip) What sound does this syllable make?
  • S: “graph”.
  • T: “Right! Press the “=” sign the number of syllables it was. (S presses the “=” sign 3 times)
  • T: “What is your score? Read the number on the calculator.”
  • S: “540.”
  • T: “Right! Press the “=” sign once. (S presses the “=” sign 1 time)
  • T: “Is it time to go? How many more minutes do we have to play?”
  • (S looks at clock and says 8 minutes or whatever)
  • If time is not up, repeat the above steps until time is up. This integrates phonological awareness supported by visual props, segmenting, identifying number of syllables, counting by 10s, reading 3-digit numbers, and reading a clock with time remaining!
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