100th Day — How To Use Vimeo

Yesterday was the hundredth day of school for our primaries. Here’s a look at some of the activities we did in Primary A, and a “100 Steps” activity with Primary C.

Some tips about uploading to Vimeo, which accepts High-Definition videos (YouTube does not).

1. I use Wondershare Video Editor. It accepts and exports Hi-Def, and it’s cheap.
2. My advanced settings crank out awesome videos (you only have to change these once): Codec: HI-DEF H.264,  Frame  Rate:30,  Bit rate: 15,000, Encoder: AAC Audio, Sample rate: 48,000 Hz, 2 Channels Stereo, Audio Bit Rate: 192 kbps.
3. Just export the final video. Don’t close the window, although you can open other windows, go to lunch, get coffee, etc. Vimeo sends you an email when it’s done (usually <2 hours). You’ll get a link you can email to teachers, students, admissions office, your boss, etc.


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