- Name the states: http://www.sporcle.
- Name the states in 60 seconds! http://www.sporcle.
com/games/miyomiyo1/blitz_ states
- Name the states from their Capital! http://www.sporcle.
com/games/g/states_bycapital – We have a 2nd grader who’s done this in 10 minutes.
- Can you name the US states for each letter of the alphabet?http://www.sporcle.com/games/
GAJM41191/States_of_the_ Alphabe
- Can you name the next bordering state that begins with that letter without hitting a trap (WITHOUT BACKTRACKING)?http://www.
sporcle.com/games/sproutcm/ please_dont_say_alaska
- Words inside state names: http://www.sporcle.com/