Kids with nonverbal learning disabilities (an awful term–it means those who have no problem with verbal) often profit from verbal “litanies” to narrate while doing letter and number formation. Here are some we use:
To make a star: (start at bottom left) “Up, Down, Left, Right, Back to Start and Say Good Night!”
To make a Z (upper or lowercase) “Across the Sky and Down From Heaven, Slink Along the Ground”
To make the numbers:
2-”Make his belly, Make his shoe; that is how to make a two.”
3-“Around the tree, Around the tree, that is how to make a three.”
4-“Make an L, make a line, Makes a four every time.”
5-“Down, around, now Add his hat; Fat 5 is 5 an that is that.”
6-“Stir toward the teacher and go round to mix; that is how to make a six.”
7-“Across the sky and down from heaven; that is how to make a seven.”
9-“Make the ball, next make a line; that is how to make a nine.”