Week 1 of student blogging

Posted by jimtiffinjr in Uncategorized | Comments Off

We want this blog space to be as authentic as possible.  Therefore, we are beginning student blogging.  Each week, one student will be selected to be our student blogger.  They will be responsible for taking pictures and keeping notes on what we do all week.  They will then write the blog post on Friday and the teachers will help select pictures to go up on the blog with the post.  We won’t post the name of the student blogger on the website, but it can be a great conversation starter with your child.  Below is our first student blog:




Welcome to what 4th grade’s been doing



We’ve been doing polygons, angles and lines in math class,

reading No Talking (by Andrew Clements) in reading,

 studying Native Americans in social studies,

and weather in science!

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