It was a very exciting week in Fourth Grade! Our day is busy but filled with learning.
Thursday was the busiest day. We went to Music Plus and then we went to our field trip to Ganondagan. It was a lot of fun. We got to visit a Seneca longhouse and it looks so real!
The day before Thursday it was picture day! We got to choose from three different backgrounds.
Almost every day we would read Sign of the Beaver.
In gym we are doing Pilates and swimming.
In French, we are trying to learn as much as 200 French words by Halloween.
In Music Plus we are learning a song called “Liza Jane”.
In tech we are learning how to make slides on the computer.
In reading with Mrs. Moss we read a lot of interesting books.
Working with Mr. Hartman is really fun. We got to saw a board 8 feet long to build a green house.
In reading we have our reading groups. The groups are: Island of the Blue Dolphins, Eagle Feather, Indian Shoes, and Walk Two Moons.
In math, our geometry unit is coming to an end.
In writing we can write in our journals or design a witch.
Some people got to go to the food cupboard, but before we went to the food cupboard, we did math with Mr. O’Bryan.
Well this letter is coming to an end, so see you next week!