A resource is simply another calendar used to coordinate the sharing of a real object or space. For example the computer labs, the presentation cart, a chromebook cart or a bus. These are things that have to be shared between everyone and can only be used by one person (or class) at a time.
To book a resource follow these very simple steps:
- Create a new event in your calendar
- Fill in all the useful information, like time/date and title and description
- On the right side of the new event page there is a section about adding people/rooms
- Click on the Rooms, etc. link and you’ll see a list of all the available resources – click add for the one you’d like
- Make sure you click Save at the top to write the event to your calendar and the resource calendar
If the resource you’d like isn’t listed, that means it is already booked for that time. You can add resource calendars to your calendar view so you can see when they’re already booked at a quick glance. To add resource calendars to your calendar view follow the steps in this blog post: Viewing Resource Calendars to Schedule Meetings