Oct 03


In third grade we are reading a book called Lafcadio: The Lion Who Shot Back  By, Shel Silverstein.  It is a hilarious book! It’s about this lion who eats a hunter , takes his gun , practices shooting with it, and becomes the greatest shot in the world!

We love it!

_ Daniel

Third Grader

Oct 03


CMT stands for Community Meeting Time.  When have CMT, we talk about guidelines for playground and how to be safe around the nurseries on Wedsday.  We take turns saying sugestions.

- Carolyn

Third Grader

Oct 02


In Third Grade, we are planting potatos, garlic, and beans.  We are recording what happens.  So far, the beans have sprouted the most.

- Quinn

Third Grader

Oct 01

Learning the rules of the garden!

The third grade is learning proper garden etiquette. Close the gate, walk on paths, and harvest marked areas.

Sep 24

Learning to blog

Apr 05

Focus Week Posts

Mar 16

This is Harley!

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