by Dean Kindig, The Harley School, Rochester NY

If reading is sort of tough for you, why not read better books, recommended by kids like you who have trouble reading fast or reading perfectly? I have added to this list each time a kid in my class or summer camp has recommended a cool book.

If your child has a book or series that was their favorite, contact me with the title and I’ll add it.  If your child didn’t like one of these, let me know and I’ll delete it! Click on any book to see it in Barnes and Noble:

Dave Barry
Geronimo Stilton
Suzanne Collins
Rick Riordan
Dan Guttman
John D. Fitzgerald
by Jeff Smith
Gary Paulsen
Garth Nix
Jeff Stone
Pseudonymous Bosch
Brian Jacques
Percy Jackson and the Olympians series (Book 1= The Lightning Thief)
Rick Riordan
David Klass
Erin Hunter
Will Hobbs
Jack Gantos
T.A. Barron
Ken Oppel
Rodman Philbrick
Wayside School Is Falling Down, Sideways Stories from Wayside School
Louis Sachar
Iain Lawrence
Anthony Horowitz
Bruce Coville
Ruth Stiles Gannett
Harry Allard. Illustrated by James Marshall
Graham Salisbury


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