The Way of Mindful Education

The Center for Mindfulness and Empathy Education sponsored a mini-residency with Daniel Rechtschaffen of the Omega Institute. During his three days at Harley, he met with many grade-level classes, as well as faculty and administrators, and then led a day-long workshop on Mindfulness & Education. Here is a brief clip...

Caring for what is Common

This week marked the starting point of students and faculty working together to keep the common spaces of the Commons clean. The common spaces are those area which are used by everyone, but for which no one in particular is responsible. As the role of students managing the building grows...

Good Times in the Commons

“I don’t always write computer programs, but when I do….” These fine gentlemen are working hard on the technical side of collecting data from the various systems in the Commons and making sure that there is way for those systems to share information in a way for students to compare...

Blood Drive

We were excited to once again host the American Red Cross blood drive at Harley. With volunteers from Mrs. Northrup’s health class, many donors were gently ushered through the donation process, then refueled at the end. It was another great opportunity to use the Briggs Center for Civic Engagement, and...

Digging into the Project Space

We had some great moments of planned and spontaneous activity in the Project Space this week! Nursery Blue couldn’t wait to use the open room to build their foundations and structures for their Construction Unit. They drew blueprints and architectural sketches, assembled boxes with Make Dos, then painted their buildings....

Harley, we have lift off!

After just three days of fully using the Commons (thanks, Polar Vortex), we held the grand Commons Unveiling opening events for our Harley community! The day began right off with a full school assembly to honor and thank all of the people who have invested time, thought, effort and money...

Recent Local and National Media

Over the past month, Harley’s Commons, greenhouse (The Salad Project) and Hospice Program have been featured in local and national media. The links to the two “Go Green” segments on WROC Channel 8 News can be found below. Go Green: School Grows Its Own Food Go Green: The Commons Mindful...

The Big Move

On Saturday, December 21st, hearty and enthusiastic workers came to the Science wing to move items large and small over to the new science rooms in the Commons, as well as down the hall from one classroom to another. Members of the maintenance staff, administrators, faculty, parents, and student volunteers...

Settling into the spaces

We received the temporary certificate of occupancy for all floors of the Commons about two weeks ago. Gradually, the spaces have been populated, although the full move-in for the science classrooms will not happen until over the winter break. Some classes began meeting in the Commons at the start of...