Student-conceived and student-driven initiatives are celebrated here at Harley, and we have our fair share of them. This year’s first such endeavor was in support of Alex’s Lemonade Stand for Childhood Cancer, an organization which raises funds to further cancer research. “Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) emerged from the front yard stand of cancer patient Alexandra ‘Alex’ Scott (1996-2004). In 2000, 4-year old Alex announced that she wanted to hold a lemonade stand to raise money to help find a cure for all children with cancer. Since Alex held that first stand, the Foundation bearing her name has evolved into a national fundraising movement, complete with thousands of supporters across the country carrying on her legacy of hope.” (from Harley’s branch of the ALSF is spearheaded by eighth-grader Ryan Woodhams, who has made this cause part of our annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day On of Service since it began six years ago. Ryan’s goal for this fall event was to hold the largest lemonade stand of its kind!
Saturday’s event was a combined effort of many student, parent and community volunteers. At the end of the day, Ryan and his crew had raised over $4000 to directly support research in childhood cancer. A hearty thanks to everyone who came out to help and contribute time and resources to this great event. Congratulations to everyone involved!
- The full group of organizers & volunteers assembled
- Sign of a great cause
- Setting up on a rainy morning
- Got coffee?
- Mrs. K’s chocolate chip cookies join the trays–pure gold!
- Super Lemonade promoter
- Ready for customers
- At the main entrance of the school
- Working the pavement!
- Many cars pulled in when they saw the signs!
- Organizer energizer bunnies
- Quite the spread!
- Roc-Ade crew
- The proud mothers making sure they captured the shot
- Miss Santos coming out to support the cause!
- Happy to help
- Father/son time devoted to a great cause!
- Many ways to show support….
- Blue and yellow bracelets and blue fingernails!
- Mom and daughter time devoted to a great cause!
- A great showing from the medical community
- Cute cambro controllers
- The sweet smile of satisfaction
- Post-swimming carbo loading for a cause
- Yep, that about sums up our excitement
- More father/son time!
- Happy to have Nancy’s Fried Dough come to volunteer to help out