Productive senior internship

New Benches for the LS Playground The two seniors who were serving their internship with Chris Hartman these past three weeks worked hard to build some much-needed outdoor furniture. Matt Andrews and Malcolm Reick proudly moved two benches to the Lower School playground! After they tested out a few models,...

Common Ground – 4th Grade Technology

Even though this excellent design-thinking project wasn’t completed in the Commons, it fully and entirely embraces many of the goals we have for how the students will collaborate, think outside the box, prototype/test/re-built/re-test, and offer feedback on each others’ work. With just enough guidance from Jim Tiffin to get started,...

New podium for BCCE

As is fitting for the space, the Briggs Center for Civic Engagement now has a beautiful student-designed and built podium! Complete with a Harley crest carved by the computer-programmed router, the podium was created from the original Hawkins’ barn wood. Thanks to Matt Andrews and Malcolm Rieck for their excellent...

Guest Blogger– Carli Rivers Interview

We welcome Seeley Taylor back to the blog after interviewing Mrs. Carli Rivers, 7th and 8th Grade science teacher. Seeley interviewed Carli Rivers to see how she has been taking advantage of the spaces and the technology. Seeley met Mrs. Rivers four years ago when she first came to Harley....

4th Grade bird houses

Monsieur Blanc worked with the fourth grade students in the Commons Project Space to construct and paint bird houses. Bart is a huge supporter and organizer of our Harley Bird educational efforts, and this project complimented both that ongoing study and the fourth grade’s service outreach to Lollypop Farm. The...

Hydroponic prototype evaluation

After a few weeks of growing lettuce in the 7th Grade hydroponic prototypes, it was time to evaluate how the different models worked. Mrs. Rivers and Mr. Hartman took the classes out to the greenhouse to harvest a few choice leaves from each team’s crop to sample, then they did...

Ratios and Proportions and Playdough??

The Project Space has seen some great activities and planned events, but sometimes the best use of the space is when it is spontaneous. If you want to know what spontaneous means, just look up Dan O’Brien in the dictionary. Mr. O’Brien (the math one) took his 7th Grade Pre-Algebra...

Exceptional images of the Commons

Recently, we were able to have the fantastic team from Design Imaging Studios tour the Commons and capture the beautiful architecture and feel of the spaces. Rich Paprocki photographed the spaces, and the team at the studios finished them as the stunning photos you will see below. Christian Scully wrote...

Hydroponic update

As a follow up to the previous PLANTS post on the 7th Grade science students designing and building hydroponic structures, here is a video of the prototypes pumping water and watering their sprouting lettuce plants. You will notice plenty of wires close to water, but be assured that these pumps...

Science Fair Takes Over!

This year’s Science Fair took over the bigger spaces in the Commons. The Briggs Center for Civic Engagement held the projects of the 5th and 6th graders and the Workshop, Project Space and Greenhouse held the science projects and STEM creations of the 3rd and 4th graders. Wandering from the...