We are pleased to introduce Derrick Taylor, current Nursery Red parent, to the Commons team. With the departure of Chris Hartman, we are glad to bring on Derrick to help round out coverage already provided by our Designer in Residence, Kyle Graves. Derrick Taylor has degrees in Mathematics Education and Physics, and has had considerable experience running maker spaces and working with CNC machines and 3D printers, as well as programming in C/C++, Java, and Python, script in Mathematica and various task-specific languages, including basic web design.
Derrick will be helping with the Robotics and Sustainable Systems classes, and is now offering a Beginning Coding workshop for Upper School students. He and Kyle have already been maximizing their time together by working on the machines of the Commons basement spaces, as well as collaborating and planning with faculty on possible projects. They are quickly becoming the Penn and Teller of the ground floor, as they are frequently seen together, evidenced by the photos below…
- The classic mug shot…
- Horsing around
- Two cups of coffee and one complicated Rubics cube in hand…
- C is for Commons!