Timelapse of Commons Construction

All of the Commons construction video footage taken from the Upper School faculty room window was edited by Aimee Lewis’ intern, Laura DeMartino, so that it could be projected on the flat-screen television in the lobby of the Commons. You can see the 12-month effort condensed into two minutes below…....

Grand Opening Earth Day Event

The Commons had its official public grand opening this morning, significantly held on Earth Day! We were honored to have Brighton Town Supervisor Bill Moehle join us, as well as other respected guests. Members of the Hawkins family, from whom Harley acquired the vintage barn which so ably supports our...

Collaborative Clean Up!

In honor of Earth Day, the students of Nursery Blue and the 5th Grade Science class trekked to Allens Creek on Monday to pick up litter and generally clean up the grounds. The students took advantage of the great weather (unlike the actual rainy Earth Day today!) and collected four...

Guest blogger Seeley–Living Building class

Living Building     The Commons is a high-tech building. There are many different systems that can be manipulated to allow for the greatest energy efficiency. They are not easy systems to learn and understand. That is where the Living Building class plays an important role. Living Building was an Upper...

Earth Day Posters

Students in Kaitlin Bates’ science classes in 5th and 6th Grade designed and created Earth Day posters to raise awareness for how we can all work to protect and preserve our planet. The gallery of posters is below, and you can see that the topics range from recycling, reducing CO2,...

Flag Hall banner representations

The class banners at Harley all have special symbols and meaning, each connected to specific classes who are currently in school and alumni. Flag Hall, a connecting 2-story hallway between the east and west sides of the building, was a gathering place for students for many years where the original...

Mandala of Infinite Compassion

Today was the final day of Lama Venerable Tenzin Yignyen’s two-week visit to Harley. Throughout his time in the Gallery, classes and individual students have watched him work and listened to his passionate views on how we need to treat each other, take care of our world, and seek the...

4th Grade bird houses

Monsieur Blanc worked with the fourth grade students in the Commons Project Space to construct and paint bird houses. Bart is a huge supporter and organizer of our Harley Bird educational efforts, and this project complimented both that ongoing study and the fourth grade’s service outreach to Lollypop Farm. The...

Hydroponic prototype evaluation

After a few weeks of growing lettuce in the 7th Grade hydroponic prototypes, it was time to evaluate how the different models worked. Mrs. Rivers and Mr. Hartman took the classes out to the greenhouse to harvest a few choice leaves from each team’s crop to sample, then they did...

A musical FOG

We celebrated cross-generational learning today when the Fiddlers of the Genesee came to Harley to play a side-by-side outreach workshop with our 7th and 8th Grade String Ensemble. Kelly Schroeder, our string teacher and avid fiddler, has been dedicating a portion of her rehearsal time to having the students learn...