This week marked the starting point of students and faculty working together to keep the common spaces of the Commons clean. The common spaces are those area which are used by everyone, but for which no one in particular is responsible. As the role of students managing the building grows and evolves, this is a step in the social-responsibility direction of sustainability, instead of exclusively concentrating on the goal of maintaining net zero in energy usage.
To aid in making the opportunity to clean and better the areas used by all more available, the Commons has three or four “stations” around the building where garbage cans, dry mops, brooms, dust pans, and other cleaning equipment are stored. Several of these are in full view and some are in maintenance closets which are accessible by everyone. The goal is for all people who use the various areas of the building to take note of any spaces that need cleaning or organizing and then take action. To kick this off, the Middle School homeroom groups and the Upper School Rights and Responsibilities class have offered to take the lead. The sign by Flag Hall and Beckerman can be changed on a daily basis, depending on who cleaned that day.
Since this was the first week of cleaning, the word is sure to get out and more and more groups will offer to be responsible for one day a month for cleaning. Many hands make light work, and it is important for us to “take care of what is common” (inspiring words by Chris Hartman while the 5th Grade homeroom cleaned on Wednesday).
Here are a few of the 5th Grade helpers from Wednesday. Way to go, ladies!