Hospice planting for rebirth…

The Project Space was hopping last week! The Environmental Science class and Hospice classes were doubled by the visiting Scottish students who joined their host seniors. The Hospice class spent the day working with past Harley teacher and Garden Club supporter, Barbara Willard. They worked to plant hundreds of bulbs...

Coming Soon!

This newly crafted sign from the Workshop heralds the start of our oak tree nursery. Primary C students collected 4,184 acorns from our Harley campus this fall. Of those, about half are healthy enough to use in our eagerly-anticipated Oak Tree Nursery. The space between Flag Hall and the Field...

Powerful pints

On Tuesday, September 30th, the Briggs Center for Civic Engagement was transformed to host the American Red Cross Blood Drive. Health teacher, Eileen Ferrari, and her eager 10th Grade Health students oversaw the organization, scheduling and care of the donors throughout the day. Here is the summary of information shared...

Fall images of the Commons

We are so glad that our friends from Design Imaging Studios returned to take a few more recent photos of the Commons with the grasses and flowers fully grown. They are stunning! It’s nice to see the building captured so beautifully before the snow flies!

Commons Speaker Series #1–Chris Costanza

This evening, we were delighted to have Chris Costanza, the architect and primary voice in envisioning the net-zero aspects of the Commons, speak to a roomful of people interested in his take on sustainable design. Chris spoke to a mixed audience of local architects, Harley parents and staff, and other...

Some interesting data

What can we learn from this amazing building we inhabit, and what is it trying to tell us? Thanks to last year’s Living Building class and our Engineer in Residence, Richard Lange, we have an abundance of sensors all around the Commons constantly reporting back data to our Commons Control...

New things popping up all over!

This fall, new ideas, equipment and plants are popping up all over the Commons and Beckerman! The first bit of news is about the sprouting lettuce plants that have been nurtured in the Greenhouse by the Farm and Community class and will soon be planted in the Harley Organic Micro-farm....

Introducing our Leaders In Residence

We are so excited to begin this 2014-15 school year IN the Commons! As part of the continuing evolution of the building as our teacher, we are delighted to add two capable and vivacious women to Harley in support of the programs and activities in the Commons. They are our...

Horizons Stepping in the BCCE

As part of their afternoon expeditions, some 5th Grade Horizons students worked with Ja’Daiza Johnson (Harley ’07) on step routines. This especially rainy summer called for some creative use of spaces, and the BCCE proved to be the perfect spot for this athletic and energetic activity. The acoustics of the...