We had some great moments of planned and spontaneous activity in the Project Space this week! Nursery Blue couldn’t wait to use the open room to build their foundations and structures for their Construction Unit. They drew blueprints and architectural sketches, assembled boxes with Make Dos, then painted their buildings.
- Blueprints
- Future architects
- Adding the windows, doors and walls
- Measuring and deciding which would make the best foundation
- “It’s as tall as I am!”
- A little adult help for the vertical lift
- Group effort
- Sharing plans
- Great sunlight from Greenhouse windows
- Movers and shakers
- Everyone had a job
- Adding details
- A kid-height work table!
- More great sunlight
- Assembled on the tarp for future painting
- The Arch of Harley
- After Day One of painting
- The tallest structure
- The work area
- Day Two of painting
- Refill station
- Smocks proved to be quite useful
- Detail work
- Getting full coverage
- Great color combinations
- Many hands make light work
- Check out the reach!
- Back for more paint
- Adding the final bit
- Finishing touches
Primary B used the Project Space to learn more about birds. They set up their True/False game in the open space which involved the children “voting” with their bodies if they thought a statement about birds was either true or false. Mrs. Hanss held the True sign on her side, and on the other side of the space was the False sign. Mrs. Fenster read the statements, and the children walked to the side of the room they felt was the right answer. Although there was disagreement, the objective wasn’t to be right or wrong; the objective was to wonder, guess, then learn the truth. There is a video below of part of the game.
- Listening to how the game works
- False sign on the bench
- Mrs. Hanss holding the True sign
- Sometimes it was an even spread
- Fun, regardless!
The Third Grade used the Project Space this week to continue their study of electricity. Chris Hartman shared some great information about light bulbs, LED lights and how electricity works in all of them. The projector proved helpful in bringing the diagrams full-screen for the entire group to see, and then the students divided out into the room work stations to explore and experiment more. Here is a clip from Chris’ lesson: Fluorescent Light Explanation
Lastly, while it wasn’t the Project Space, the Briggs Center for Civic Engagement saw some spontaneous use this week by Dan O’Brien and his 8th Grade Geometry class, the Upper School Fandom club, and the Parent Council coffee. Next week, Mr. Gilbert and his 8th Grade students will take full screen advantage of the space for their viewing of the movie Ghandi. You can see that the setting is perfect for movies!
- Pausing to discuss the scene from the movie
- A view from the projector….
One final image for you… On the northern wall of Flag Hall, past the benches, you will find the wonderful pages from Primary A’s class book on the Commons which they created after their tour of the building last Friday. While you can’t see the individual pages too clearly, each has a great picture and description of what was seen in the spaces and what the children look forward to studying in the Commons!