New Faces in the Commons

We are delighted to welcome three new teachers to the Commons this year: Chris Becker, Kevin Boyd, and Lars Kuelling. These three teachers are weaving their way into the established fabric of the building and the learning opportunities therein, as well as working closely with veteran Commons educators.

Chris Becker is teaching 7th and 8th Grade Science as Carli Rivers’ long-term sub while she is out on maternity leave. Chris not only teaches all 7th and 8th Grade Science courses, but has accompanied the 8th Grade on their outdoor education trip to the Adirondacks. Welcome, Chris!


Kevin Boyd is our new Hospice instructor. In addition to teaching three sections of Hospice, Kevin is also teaching an Introduction to Mindfulness elective for the Upper School and a mindfulness rotation for the fifth graders.  We look forward to Kevin continuing to make strong community connections for our Hospice students!

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Lars Kuelling was hired to fill the newly-established position of Academic Dean. In addition to his administrative work with curriculum, schedule, and teacher development, Lars co-teaches the 9th Grade Rights & Responsibilities class with Jocie Kopfman. Their approach aims to have 9th graders engage in healthy discussion and dialogue on a variety of socially-relevant topics, encouraging them to invest in advocating for a cause and justifying their efforts. We welcome Lars and his family to Harley!


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