Recent Local and National Media

Over the past month, Harley’s Commons, greenhouse (The Salad Project) and Hospice Program have been featured in local and national media. The links to the two “Go Green” segments on WROC Channel 8 News can be found below. Go Green: School Grows Its Own Food Go Green: The Commons Mindful...

The Big Move

On Saturday, December 21st, hearty and enthusiastic workers came to the Science wing to move items large and small over to the new science rooms in the Commons, as well as down the hall from one classroom to another. Members of the maintenance staff, administrators, faculty, parents, and student volunteers...

Settling into the spaces

We received the temporary certificate of occupancy for all floors of the Commons about two weeks ago. Gradually, the spaces have been populated, although the full move-in for the science classrooms will not happen until over the winter break. Some classes began meeting in the Commons at the start of...

Time Capsule Travelers

In anticipation of the Harley community “Commons Unveiling” on Friday, January 10, 2014, members of the Sixth Grade visited each of the Lower School classes to explain their contribution to the Time Capsule. As part of the school-wide event, each grade or class will offer their items to the Time...

First assembly in the BCCE

In a room designed specifically for town hall meetings, assemblies, and civic purpose, the entire Upper School student body and faculty gathered for the first-ever assembly held in the Briggs Center for Civic Engagement (BCCE). This was an opportunity to gather together to experience the new space and to gain...

Common Ground- feature #4

This Common Ground features two teachers who made excellent use of problem-based learning opportunities….one has been ongoing in the 3rd and 4th Grade Project Based Learning class, and the other was a spontaneous inspiration drawn from the previously mentioned project installation in the Gallery. But first, a description of the...

Media about the Commons

The interesting and compelling story about the Commons has received some recent media attention. Commons Coordinator, Seth O’Bryan, wrote an article about a hypothetical day in the life of the Commons, and how students and teachers will be learning side by side. This was published in the National Association for...

Solar panels on the southern roof!

The last few weeks have focused on finishing up the interior of the Commons, but a few obvious additions can be seen on the roof. These solar panels will be responsible for heating the water of the building, hopefully eliminating the need for any traditional hot water heaters. The view...

Latest media

Two recent images capture some new developments at The Commons. The first is a collaborative art project of a Harley Acorn, created by using 6″x6″ squares of blue, green and brown paper collages which were then assembled into acorn form, if you look at it from a distance. The project...

View from afar

Touring around The Commons with the alumni this past weekend, it is clear that this building is handsome. The fine balance struck between sustainability and aesthetics has truly made this a unique version of an upstate New York barn. You can see from the photos that it rises nicely in...