Flower show benefits hospice program

The return from February break is made all the more wonderful, thanks to the Gallery Flower Display. Originally spearheaded by the former Middle School garden club, led by former faculty member Barbara Willard, this annual event has now transitioned into the hands of the Hospice class and some eager middle...


In what is becoming an ever-expanding event at Harley, the STEAM Fair (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) was held all over campus on Thursday evening, February 12th. Science projects from 3rd-6th grade students were shared along with penguin habitats by Primary Two, many technology projects, some math challenges, and...

Dr. Susan Spencer of ROCSPOT returns

One of our former Commons speakers, solar scientist Dr. Susan Spencer of ROCSPOT, returned to campus on Tuesday, Feb. 9, to make new and deeper connections. In an effort to continue to forge meaningful and mutually-beneficial community connections, we asked Dr. Spencer to plug in again to share her expertise....

Youth Climate Leaders Summit–Part Two

Martin Luther King Day not only was a day-on for service opportunities around the area, but it also provided a day when all area schools were not in session. This allowed the Youth Climate Leaders Summit group to meet again conveniently. This second meeting of involved and invested students concerned...

Blood Drive

On January 22, 2016, the Upper School Key Club welcomed back the American Red Cross to host a blood drive in the Briggs Center for Civic Engagement. Always a coordinated and organized effort, many of the Upper School students volunteered and managed the day-long drive, scheduling and checking people in,...

Honey Be Mine sale

The Food and Farm Lab students worked hard during the first trimester to harvest the honey from our two Harley bee hives, process it, develop a brand and marketing strategy, and then sell their delicious product: jars of Honey Be Mine honey! Roughly eleven gallons of honey yielded about 175...

Student Career Speaker Series– Mark Kellogg

Mark Kellogg, Principal Trombone of the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra and an Associate Professor at the Eastman School of Music spoke with Upper Schoolers about his career path and treated them to a brief performance. It was the inaugural presentation of a speaker series conceived by Student Council President, Seeley Taylor....

Youth Climate Leaders Summit

With the help of Rochester People’s Climate Coalition’s Abby McHugh-Grifa (Rochester Climate Action) and Sue Hughes-Smith (Mothers Out Front), The Harley School hosted a Youth Climate Leaders Summit as part of RPCC’s 12 Days of Climate events. The summit was designed to bring school leaders (students) together to connect and...

Commons Speaker Series #2 — Evan Dawson

On Tuesday, December 1st, Evan Dawson (host of WXXI’s Connections talk show) was the featured presented on the Commons Speaker Series, speaking on confirmation bias and what it would take to change one’s mind. The BCCE was full with nearly 100 audience members, and as expected, the evening’s presentation and...

Food and Farm Lab field trip and assembly

From Commons Educator, Ja’Daiza Johnson: The Food and Farm lab students took a trip to Headwater Food Hub and Lagoner Farm last week. At the Hub, they learned about how they source and distribute local organic food to families, restaurants, and schools in the Rochester area. They also learned about...