Oct 17

Capture the flag fun time!

So me, Stanford, Theo, Daniel, Maire, John, Maxwell, and well, many others gathered one day in October. Some fourth graders came up with the idea of all of us playing capture the flag. So we did and man was it fun! Stanford scored a bunch of times (like fifteen times – I hope he heard that.) So his team won for the past few days and the other team, which was my team, thought it was unfair…well at least I thought it was. So then it was like Anthony vs. Stanford. It was pretty much rivalry. (But right about now it’s kind of a tie.). More to come from recess.


Nolan and P.S. The game is really cool!

Oct 16

Just for fun :)

Look who decided to be awesome today. The best part was this “awesomeness” was not even planned.


Oct 09

Beetle poem at Assembly October 9,2013

Beetle Intro    

Beetle Poem

Oct 09

Tools That Help With Reading

The 3rd grade is using tools to help us read books in class. One tool that we are using is a highlighter strip. Highlighter strips are a bookmark that helps you focus on one sentence at a time. Another tool is a whisper phone. These phones help the reader hear (in a quiet way) what is being read. Check out them in action!





Oct 07

Indoor Recess!

Ever wonder what your kids are doing on those rainy days? Here is a peek at the life of a third grader stuck indoors :)






Oct 07

3rd Grade Fall Social

It looks like 3rd graders had an amazing time at Chase Farms. Potato picking and plenty of sunshine!








Thank you To Jennifer (Syler’s Mom) for the spectacular photos!

Sep 26

How to play wall ball.

imageIf your wondering what all those boys are doing at recess…well sometimes girls, too… are playing a game…. called…here it comes…. wall ball! So, this is how you play… dundundundundundun… wall ball!

These are the rules:

When somebody throws  the ball at the wall and the ball hits you, you have to run to the wall as fast as you can! There’s also something I like to use (somepeople call it cheating). Its called black magic! Its when you touch someone with the ball and throw the ball  at the wall. So then there out or when you don’t feel like you can throw the ball from that far away, you just chuck it back and sprint for your life! So, you don’t get that oppertunity every day,  it’s like a once in a life time kinda thing, you know? So the main obvective of the game is to get every one out by seeing somebody double touch the ball and you grab the ball and throw it before they touch the wall and they’re out! So those are basicly the ways of wall ball. If this sounds like fun and want to play then come on out and meet me Lucas,Stanford,AlexW,Alexs and Max sometimes,if hes playing,which he’s never playing so… Oh! and Gabe and many others so see you there!


Sep 26

science and being green


3rd grade went to the garden.   It’s fun to go in to the garden if  you do  a have a garden.   We went to garden for science class, and we planted all  different seeds.  They will grow in to beans, lettuce,and basil .



Sep 26


This guy is as big as a hand!

This guy is as big as a hand!

So Pierce found a GIGANTIC crayfish… i mean… it was like 15 inches long! Well, maybe not that long but it was still big.   You should have seen it- wow! It was a miracle of crayfish! But it wasn’t that friendly because it nipped Pierce a few times, or one, I don’t know I was playing wall ball. Well, you may have seen it but it was BIG! So I call it … THE CREEKLESS MONSTER MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! [cough, cough]


Sep 26

Poem Madness!




3A made a long fall poem about well… fall! Then we had to have partners for the next one.  It was a math poem! So two people might share one of the poems at assembly… but not for parents.    I like it because it was really easy to read and it was fun.


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