Daily Archive: May 2, 2016

May 02

Digging for Layers of Soil lesson


After a wonderful lesson on soil, the layers, and why it is important, our 3rd graders got a chance to go out into the garden, grab a shovel, and dig!  Many squealed with delight as they went through the humus, topsoil, and subsoil.  Bedrock has yet to be discovered .

May 02

The Mouse and the Motorcycle chapter 1summary

A young mouse named Ralph eagerly watched everything that went on in room 215 in a hotel. In the same room he found a candy bar raper.  He knew that it was from a little boy.  The same little boy had a toy motorcycle and Ralph stole it and it fits great! The motorcycle had …

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May 02

The mouse and the motorcycle-my favorite part

My favorite part of the mouse and the motorcycle was when the boy thought that there was something alive in the basket (there was something in the basket, a mouse). The boy talked to the mouse. The mouse was hidden under an apple core. The boy guessed that the mouse had ridden the motorcycle into …

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May 02

Mouse and the Mortorcycle

My favorite part of this chapter is when Ralph tried to get out of the wastebasket  with a apple core and a toy motorcycle. He seized the apple core and pushed it to the motorcycle, but he failed. I liked that part because it was funny.  I also liked it because it was really good …

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