Monthly Archive: May 2016

May 03

Dear Whiskers

My favorite part of the chapter was the letter that the 2ed grader wrote to  Sameera and   the letter said, “Dear Sameera, Make believe is fun. Pretend  there is a mouse in your desk.  Pretend that this mouse has four brothers  who live in the teacher’s lounge. The four brothers drink  the teacher’s coffee.  …

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May 03

The Mouse and the Motorcycle ”Trapped”

My favorite part of chapter 3 was when Ralph fell of the table with the motorcycle and landed in the metal waste basket. That is my favorite part, because I was thinking that Ralph was going to end up like his uncle. He was thrown out with the garbage. – Sam

May 02

Digging for Layers of Soil lesson


After a wonderful lesson on soil, the layers, and why it is important, our 3rd graders got a chance to go out into the garden, grab a shovel, and dig!  Many squealed with delight as they went through the humus, topsoil, and subsoil.  Bedrock has yet to be discovered .

May 02

The Mouse and the Motorcycle chapter 1summary

A young mouse named Ralph eagerly watched everything that went on in room 215 in a hotel. In the same room he found a candy bar raper.  He knew that it was from a little boy.  The same little boy had a toy motorcycle and Ralph stole it and it fits great! The motorcycle had …

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May 02

The mouse and the motorcycle-my favorite part

My favorite part of the mouse and the motorcycle was when the boy thought that there was something alive in the basket (there was something in the basket, a mouse). The boy talked to the mouse. The mouse was hidden under an apple core. The boy guessed that the mouse had ridden the motorcycle into …

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May 02

Mouse and the Mortorcycle

My favorite part of this chapter is when Ralph tried to get out of the wastebasket  with a apple core and a toy motorcycle. He seized the apple core and pushed it to the motorcycle, but he failed. I liked that part because it was funny.  I also liked it because it was really good …

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