May 10

The Mouse and the MotorCycle Summary of Chapter 6

The summary of chapter five is that the mouse was riding around the halls and when he came back to the hotel room the door had shut so he could not go back in the room .  Matt the bellboy helped him get back in the room.  The boys mom saw Ralph and freaked out.

- Zach

May 10

My favorite Part of chapter 6 Mouse and the Motorcycle

My favorite part of chapter 6 of The Mouse and the Motorcycle was when it mentioned what happened to Uncle Leroy. What happened was that he disappeared and his bones were found in a owl pellet. I liked that part because it was disgusting and weird, but it was funny. I really enjoyed the whole chapter, but that was my favorite part of Chapter 6. Owl Pellets are “throw up” from a owl and what comes out is feathers and bones the owl cant digest! Gross!


May 09

Summary of Chapter 5 Mouse and the Motorcycle

I read chapter 5 of Mouse and the Motorcycle and it was good. The chapter was called Adventure in the Night. What happened was that Ralph and the boy agreed to have a plan for the motorcycle. In the daytime Keith, the boy would use it , then in the nighttime Ralph , the mouse would use  it . The boy’s mother said the door opened and the mouse rode in. Teh boys father said that idea was ridiculous. Then Ralph had an adventure in the night.



May 09

The Mouse and the Motorcycle Chapter 3.

My favorite part of chapter 3 is when Ralph thinks of someone dropping a klenex  on him.  It was his only hope to get out of the wastebasket.  I hope it works.


May 09

Mouse and the Motorcycle Chapter 3

On page 33, it talks about Ralph with a empty stomach.   It reminds me of when I get a empty stomach.


May 06

Mouse and the motorcycle chapter 3.

My favorite part about chapter 3 was when Ralph was seeing if the motorcycle still worked.  He checked the handle bars and was seeing if it still worked.  It had fallen in the garbage can,

- James

May 06

Chapter 5 The Mouse and the Motorcycle

In chapter 5 Ralph was riding away from the man. It reminds me of when I was running away from Elliot T. when we were playing zombie tag at our house. We were playing at 12:00 pm. Ralph was scared and so was I. I got caught and Ralph did not.



May 06

chapter 4 The Mouse and the Motorcycle

In chapter 4, Keith says, “Oh no!  Where’s my motorcycle?”  He looks all around- even under the bed.  Then, once he searches everywhere, he finally finds it in the wastebasket.  He was wondering, “How did it get down here?”  Then, he looked again and he saw a furry shape.  It was Ralph, trying to look like an apple core.  Then they had a conversation about the motorcycle and how to get it going.  Ralph took a seat on the motorcycle.  When he made the sound, “Pb-pb-b-b-b”, he went all the way around the carpet and the motorcycle slowed down.  When he finished, he took a big breath and did it again.  If he did it faster, then the motorcycle went faster.

- Dylan

May 05

Humphreys Really Wheely Racing Day

In  chapter two,  Humphrey the class hamster went home with Mandy. Winky  is Mandy’s hamster.  He    has  a blue car. Humphrey likes the car. Mandy brings the car to school. The teacher lets her show the class. Humphrey thinks the class frog should race.

- Hamza


May 03

Job: Connetion Book: Mouse And The Motorcycle Chapter:2

On page 20 it talks about Keith dropping crumbs on the floor.  It reminds me of when I dropped crumbs on the floor and my God Parents cat ate them up.

Written By:Olivia M

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